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New UC Research Participant Advisory Council (RPAC) has Launched

The Research Participant Advisory Group (RPAG), which started in 2015 with the CCHMC Research Participant Advisory Council (RPAC) and added the West End Community Research Advisory Board (WE C-RAB) in 2016, has officially launched a third advisory council to serve the UC research community.

After forming a planning group, hiring a program manager, and recruiting its first council of diverse members, the UC RPAC had its inaugural meeting on August 7, 2024. The UC RPAC was initiated under the direction and leadership of CCTST staff members Mo Kelly, program manager (UC RPAC) and Julie Wijesooriya, research community liaison (CCHMC RPAC).

First UC RPAC Meeting - August 7, 2024

The UC RPAC is the newest council expansion of the RPAG that exists through the CCTST and offers a variety of ways – including panels, advisor roles, focus groups and monthly standing meetings – for researchers to connect with patients, families and community to improve research from design to dissemination.

16 UC RPAC members, along with two staff members, met at Vernon Manor on August 7th to begin forming the group dynamic, setting up by-laws and getting to know each other. In the coming months, CCTST’s Julie Wijesooriya and Terresa Adams will lead research ethics sessions to train the members before they begin advising researchers.

Research Participant Advisory Group (RPAG) Framework (including the advisory councils that span across the Academic Health Center and local community)

Much like the existing CCHMC RPAC and WE C-RAB, the UC RPAC will be a resource to any researcher across the Academic Health Center or UC Campus wishing to connect with the patient/family/community voice about their study, from design to dissemination. UC RPAC members, a diverse group of research participants and community members, can provide feedback on study design, recruitment strategies, marketing materials and more.

UC RPAC members at the first meeting - August 7, 2024

About the Research Participant Advisory Group. The CCHMC/UC RPACs and WE C-RAB are resources available to anyone at the Academic Health Center (CCHMC/UC) and across the UC campus who is interested in connecting with the research participant or community perspective and improving how research is conducted at our institutions or out in the community.

If you are interested in seeking feedback from one of these groups at one of our meetings, or through electronic survey, contact Julie Wijesooriya,, for the CCHMC RPAC/WE C-RAB or Mo Kelly,, for the UC RPAC.  

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