Acute Care Research Core (ACRC)
The Acute Care Research Core (ACRC) is a high impact collaboration of acute care research professionals representing the four institutions that comprise the Academic Health Center.

Biomedical Informatics
The Biomedical Informatics core is an integral part of the CCTST and serves as the hub of research informatics activity for the Academic Health Center.

Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design (BERD)
BERD provides a wide-range of support services, including study design, statistical, analytical, and data management services for faculty who are developing an extramural grant application.

Collaboration & Team Science (CaTS)
The mission of CaTS is to facilitate interprofessional collaborations through networking, team science education, and consultation in which all participants find deep mutual benefit.

Community Engagement
The Community Engagement Core aims to train researchers in community-engaged research, and educate community members in order to build capacity and an understanding of the benefits and risks of research involvement.

Ethics, Regulatory Knowledge & Support (ERKS)
The ERKS program develops best practices that break down institutional barriers, reduce investigator burden, facilitate collaborations and promote clinical and translational research.

K Scholars Career Development Award Program
The K Scholars Program provides salary support and research-related expenses for up to 2 consecutive years to highly qualified junior faculty pursuing careers in clinical and translational research.

Learning Health Systems (LHS)
The overall goal of this module is to accelerate research, translation, and implementation of new knowledge into improved outcomes.

Lifespan Data Integration Optional Module
This module maintains the maternal infant data hub (MIDH). Consultations and access to the MIDH data both are available.

Pilot Translational & Clinical Studies
The Pilot Grant Program supports projects by both established principal investigators and early stage investigators. The program offers three pilot funding opportunities.

Schubert Research Clinic (SRC)
This space brings together all services supporting clinical trials in one location making the process of planning and conducting trials convenient for both investigator and participant.

Translational Workforce Development
The Translational Workforce Development (TWD) program is designed to enhance the clinical research skills, mentorship, and productivity of clinical and translational investigators while developing new, and expanding existing, pipelines of future clinical and translational researchers.