CIRTification provides research ethics training for community members in a way that is reliable and applicable to their role. The training focuses on establishing the confidence and skills in community partners to conduct human subject research effectively and safely in their communities.
The current training for academic and hospital researchers wishing to conduct research is called ‘CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) Training’. CIRTification was introduced to provide a human research training alternative for individuals in community organizations, with limited understanding of conducting human research and protecting potential research participants.
The CCTST, under our community engagement initiative, has developed two (2) options for completing CIRTification Training for community members engaged in research; online and in-person (virtual during the COVID-19 crisis). The only difference between the online and in-person options is how they are administered, the content covered in both options is the same. The trainings contain a 3-part structure:
Part I: Human Research Rules & Regulations
Part II: Asking People to Participate in a Research Study
Part III: Being Careful with Research Information
Click here for a full overview of the in-person training curriculum.
CIRTification was originally established by Emily E. Anderson, PhD, MPH, Project Director at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS).
For questions or more information, contact ctsa@cchmc.org.
Decision Tree for Human Subject Research Training Options​

This human research protections training program tailored specifically to the needs of community research partners. Customization is available for groups/organizations who have a special focus need. The training is structured to have interactive scenarios for discussion, as well as test your knowledge on material content covered.
An in-person session includes:
2-3-hour training
Standardized curriculum but has ability for some customization
In-person (within COVID restrictions) or virtual classroom option, scheduled at time convenient to participants
Ability for discussion during training
Certificate of Completion provided
Includes handouts of research terms and additional resources related to human subject research protections
CIRTification Online is a free web-based human research protections training program tailored specifically to the needs of community research partners. It was designed with community research partners in mind, but it is valuable for anyone working on the "front lines" of community-based research.
The online option includes:
4 hours of training that can be completed in multiple sessions
Standardized curriculum
Online and individually administered
Certificate of Completed provided after passing knowledge quiz
Includes a dictionary of research terms related to human subject research protections that is accessible during and after completion
You can expect a link to the online course within approximately 24 hours of your request