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Community Engagement
Grant Applications Resources


A recording of this session is now available - click here to view the session slides. 


Frequently Asked Questions
Application & Project
  • Do I have to type my application?

    • YES! To make it easiest to read your application, we require applications to be typed. If you need assistance with your application, contact us.

  • What is an auditor track for the CLI?

    • This is for someone who has an ID badge from UC, CCHMC, or the VA. Since you cannot receive a grant based on the stipulations of the CTSA grant, we can allow you to participate in the Community Leaders Institute without the funding. We do not require you to complete a project, but you still participate in all of the classes and the graduation ceremony. We have had individuals from a variety of disciplines participate in this role.

  • I’m not sure what track I should apply for?

    • Check out our flow chart - coming soon!

  • Can you apply for both the CLI and one of the grants?

    • Yes, you can apply for both. We have had applicants get into the CLI and receive grants as well as some receive one and not the other.


Questions about the CLI Program
  • Are the training sessions on a particular day?

    • Training sessions are typically held on Friday from 8:30 to 11:30 am or 12:30 to 3:30 pm depending on the sessions. The dates and times will be added to the website once everything is finalized with the instructors. A tentative schedule for the CLI is included in the application packet each year.

  • Can the community project be a spin-off of an existing project?

    • Yes, we want you to be successful and understand that this means it may be more feasible if your project is one piece of a larger project.

  • There is a follow-up mentioned six months later, can you talk about this?

    • Community Leaders Institute graduates submit a progress report due 6 months after your project begins and one year after the project begins. This is for us to track your progress with your project and help when needed. The CEC also collects some data to track the success and impact of the Institute.


Additional Resources
  • I really want to attend but I’m not sure how to plan my project.

    • The CEC offers technical assistance on project design. Email or call 513-803-0917 to discuss project options.

  • I missed the info session – can I still watch it?

    • A recording of the most recent Pre-Application Information Session and a copy of the slides will be available soon.

    • You can also view projects from past CLI attendees on the CLI webpage.

  • X

240 Albert Sabin Way, Location S, Suite 2.200

Cincinnati, Ohio 45229




The Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) is a registered trademark of DHHS NIH Acknowledgment:


Publications resulting from use of CCTST resources must credit the appropriate CCTST grant by including an NIH Funding acknowledgment: The CCTST at the University of Cincinnati is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program, grant UL1TR001425. The CTSA program is led by the NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS). The content of this website is solely the responsibility of the CCTST and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

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