Lori Crosby, PsyD and Lynette Fenchel, MSN at the Live Well Collaborative 15-year anniversary event

On April 27, 2023, the Live Well Collaborative celebrated its 15-year anniversary with an event in which they showcased numerous of their collaborative projects over the years. Our Community Engagement Core (CEC) director, Lori Crosby, PsyD, represented both the CCTST CEC and the CCHMC Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center at the event, in which their Live Well Collaborative project “Making Resources More Accessible for Sickle Cell Families” was highlighted and recognized with a 2022 Design Value Award.

Accessible and modernized educational materials relating to Sickle Cell Disease has remained an issue throughout the past few decades. In addition to outdaded resources, informal information passed through families and communities is often shadowed by stigmas from past experiences. The team sought to modernize their own educational materials in order to create up-to-date resources that can better help patients and families easily understand Sickle Cell Disease.

To achieve their goals of developing a Parent Sickle Cell Disease Handbook, along with creating an innovative strategy to expand access to their suite of Sickle Cell Disease educational materials, CCHMC partnered with the Live Well Collaborative. More information about the project’s study design and creation can be found in the graphic below, or by clicking here.

Congratulations to Lori and team on their award!